Tuesday, June 07, 2005

PCWorld.com - IRam Speeds Windows XP Start Up

PCWorld.com - IRam Speeds Windows XP Start Up

It's funny, solid-state hard drives have been around for ages, but have always cost an arm and a leg... So why has it taken so long to come up with a simple little board with RAM slots and a battery? Kudos to Giga-byte for doing it! But you've flawed your system.

You're using SATA (presumably v2.0 at 300Meg/s) for the data transfer! (dispite already being plugged into the PCI slot). 60x faster? That would make the average SATA drive run at 5Meg/s.

Still, US$60 (plus RAM cost), starts looking very attractive...

Oh well, at least they'll saturate the SATA channel :)

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